"I do not even understand who I am anymore" is among the most common statements shared in therapy sessions after a spouse endeavors to heal from infidelity. They seem like they're losing themselves, or even worse, have currently lost themselves giving way to bouts of almost uncontrollable rage, anger and life altering trauma. The reality is, they simply may be losing a variation of themselves that needs to be grieved, buried and proceeded from. Today Samuel shares a gritty yet compassionate conversation on how to discover hope and healing once again after infidelity, while finding a brand-new version of ourselves that just might be one of the greatest surprises of our lives.
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" The Healing Library provided me 24/7 support since I could be up at 3am and search for the topic I was fighting with. It likewise assisted as a couple because we could investigate topics together so it wasn't subjective. I trusted this info due to the fact that it was from experts who likewise had actually lived through and recovered from cheating. Double trustworthiness in my book.".
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Samuel is an extramarital relations survivor and is one of many contributors to Affair Healing's Survivors' Blog site,. He took part in Affair Recovery's courses established by creator and cheating specialist Rick Reynolds, LCSW. After discovering healing, hope, and brand-new life, Samuel wishes to share his journey and what AffairRecovery.com has to offer with others so they too can discover hope and recovery.
You are my lifesaver while in this dark ocean storm. I don’t know where I am or where I’ll be but because of you I have hope that someday I’ll know and I’ll be ok. I wish I could afford the classes because I’d go in a heartbeat. But I am just so grateful that you are here and I lean on these videos and your words for encouragement and support everyday. Please don’t ever stop. You are a lifeline to alot of us.
Thank you with all my heart. God bless you guys and all you do.
Thank you Sam for this video! I really need to remember this. I have been feeling like I don’t know myself anymore after being betrayed and I am looking. But this was encouraging on so many levels. Thank you and God bless you in Jesus mighty name.
Hi, Samuel. I’ve never been the first person to comment on a YouTube video, but here I am. Your words have helped save me today. Three weeks ago, I discovered that my husband was in the first stages of an emotional affair with a neighbor. He came clean and admitted that the relationship would have gone farther had I not caught his lie. One part of the utter anguish I’m experiencing is that he destroyed his first marriage by being unfaithful. He lost everything during that time almost twenty years ago. I’m stunned and shaken that he was again going down that path. I truly believed, with all of my heart and mind, that he had, in his own words, learned his lesson and never wanted to be that kind of man again. In good news, he has been doing all the right things to acknowledge, apologize and repent. He started counseling last week, a first for him, and he has listened to me with patience as I’ve cried, raged, and also talked with him calmly. And he has talked calmly and honestly with me. Nonetheless, I have found myself in the “I don’t even know who I am anymore” place. I’m 56. I can’t believe this is happening to me, and to us. But I’ve been watching Affair Recovery videos and your work has helped so much. Also, please give Samantha my undying gratitude for her willingness to have her side of the story told through you. She must be the strongest woman on the planet. Finally, I’ve felt like ending my life a few times since D-day. But I’m also going back to therapy and doing other work. 15 minutes ago I was so bereft that I toyed at the edges of wanting to just disappear. But your video came up in my feed and I knew you were talking to ME. You and Samantha gave me a lifeline today. For today, I will be TENACIOUS in recovery and I’ll do it because you and Samantha gave the courage for journey. Thank you!
As a betrayed and a believer and the hundreds of videos I have watched of yours…THIS is the one that spoke to me the most! The struggle of not liking or understanding the me I’ve become has been so hard. Trying to see the good in it is hard…missing the old loving, empathetic, understanding, there for everyone else, affectionate and mostly NAIVE me is making this harder. I swept it all under the rug as I’ve done my whole life and finally broke me…turned me into a me I don’t want to be. I always thought I wanted to be a stronger stand up for yourself, less emotional person but know that I’ve become that I don’t like it at all. This video is the one I needed to hear the most! Thank you Sam and I will continue prayerfully to understand and like who I am through all this.
Let this define or refine you, love this! Butcher or healer, YES! Deal with internal toxicity, oof! Thanks so much!
Sam, you are so helpful and inspirational on how to navigate and survive the unimaginable. I find most comforting part is that you are supportive to the repair versus the ending of a marriage. As an added bonus you are heavily faith based. You have helped me more than you will ever know. Keep up the fight for us all.