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Discover how you really can resolve your sensations of discomfort and use your spouse real forgiveness for an affair.
Has your spouse betrayed to you and you discover yourself unable to forgive them? Forgiveness is the essential to continuing in a marital relationship but for something as devastating as an affair it can appear really challenging (if not impossible) to do.
In this episode Liam Naden goes over the steps you can take to get over the emotional discomfort brought on by adultery and bring true forgiveness into your heart.
Podcast Episode 012 – Surviving Infidelity: How to Forgive Your Spouse for an Affair
This was very helpful and real. Than you
thank you u help me very helpful u make my cry :G
Thank you for the advice. It is possible to survive infidelity!
Thank you
Fantastic advice. Helped me immensely!
Forgiving the past is far easier for me than having no worries about the future. Forgiving her is a way to show my love and desire to continue the marriage, but how do I deal with the fear of her doing it again? I understand “turning the other cheek”, but I only have two. I really need an expert’s answer on this because I’m dealing with her admission of only two days ago.
Thank you
Forgiving does not equal staying. So they do it again…then what? Just continue to forgive and stay? Why not? What is the magic number? Appears remorseful and says they won’t do it again…so what? The ones that didn’t leave will almost always say that. It is not you are dealing with a bastion of integrity.
This is the most helpful single podcast I’ve found regarding actually finding a way to forgive my spouse and get our marriage back on track. I appreciate Liam’s advise so much here and hope others find their happiness in the marriage again through forgiveness as well. God bless.
Thank you!
Thank you it has helped immensely.
Thank you! God knows I really needed this !
Forgive them and move on.
Very helpfull
I have depression caused by him and he can’t accept this
Another helpful video, thanks for sharing this…
If an affair can strengthen the bond in a marriage then two affairs can make it that much stronger!!!