Karma Trashed My Desperate Unfaithful Wife's Life.
00:00 – Introduction.
00:00 – Story 1.
05:57 – Story 2.
09:02 – Story 3.
12:59 – Story 4.
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Karma Wrecked My Desperate Cheating Wife's Life
story1 her problem her fault would not bother with her just divorce her then let her get out of the mess she put herself in op this is not your problem not only is she a cheater also a drug addict
#1 Why would anyone destroy his life by living with an addict? I wouldn’t waste even a minute of my life for a drug addict, alcoholic or a mental case.
Door mat city
Wife was a drug addict and this clown only got 50/50 custody. WTF He must be a peach too
This has been posted several times before