Today, Samuel shares a poignant and much-needed conversation with unfaithfuls about their future, their ethical failure, and, if they want to do the healing work, their potential to recover.
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Samuel is a cheating survivor and is among numerous factors to Affair Healing's Survivors' Blog,. He participated in Affair Recovery's courses established by founder and extramarital relations specialist Rick Reynolds, LCSW. After finding healing, hope, and new life, Samuel wants to share his journey and what has to offer with others so they too can discover hope and healing.
I am not a failure, I am a strong betrayed spouse. Our relationship is over, but my life is mine, my future is mine to shape. He has lost my trust and love. As his actions in recovery has reinforced I will never be what he wants, or need. All the professional help, classes, meetings, step work, 21 months from d day and he will never put me first even 1 day or a few hours in one day. Thanks for your videos.
so proud of you and you are right. you are not a failure. you are strong. you are mighty. your future is bright and your heart is healing. thank you for sharing all that.
Samuel, ive been watching you for the last 2 1/2 years. You’ve been a lifeline of hope and understanding since I found out my spouse cheated on me after 10 yrs together. You’ve taught me alot and im forever grateful for that but You’ve also posted some videos that made me want to choke you or at least find your phone number and just scream at you! Im 2 1/2 yrs since D day and I chose to try to save my relationship and its been one hell of a Rollercoaster to put it mildly, I am praying for anyone in my shoes that has made the decision to try to work through this situation and just want to say, I wish you all the best and I pray you can make it through all the ups and downs. But Samuel, it is SO frustrating to see videos about “hope for the unfaithful” or hearing about how the unfaithful went through a rough childhood etc. We ALL have been through the battle of life and had horrible things happen to us but we don’t decide to go CHEAT and destroy the person we claim to love because of something we went through 40 years ago!! That IS NOT A EXCUSE or even a reason to betray the people that have loved you and had your back through all the good and bad of this life! “Hope” for the unfaithful??? Wtf? Thry aren’t the ones that got their heart ripped out and stomped on by the one person that promised to NEVER hurt them! How about hope for the INNOCENT VICTIM????
thank you for the kind words. a few thoughts. 1. i’m helping the unfaithful as it’s part of what i do and feel called to do. every video can’t help the betrayed, but can offer a portal into what the unfaithful is thinking and feeling. 2. it does no good to hammer away and shame the unfaithful 3. when i’ve done some videos on hope for the betrayed, i’ve had people lash out, trash me and attack me with ‘how can you know what we need…….’how can you know you’ve destroyed us’ so forgive me if i feel i can’t win at times. i do the best i can to provide insight for both partners and i think you can see that from the content i produce and do the very best i can to make the fair and helpful. 4. i’ll do a hope for the betrayed, will you advocate for me to not be destroyed by angry people who watch one video and trash me? next, i can’t control and speak to every single issue in each blog or they would all be an hour long. hope that helps. i’m sorry i’ve failed you.
Thank you Samuel. A lot of good thoughts today. With your help, and some great Affair Recovery programs,
I have come to understand and accept where we are today.
I can’t fix someone else, but I can be good at life, and a great dad, no matter what someone else does or doesn’t do.
Thanks for you help along this journey. I look forward to these new videos each Thursday.
thank you sir. so glad I could help and support you. i know it’s a tough road, but your bravery encourages me