How the Unfaithful Sabotages Healing After an Affair: Shutting Down

Today, lays out a concrete understanding on why this might be happening in your relationship, and how to not only assist minimize the shutdown, but develop area to link and recover as a couple.

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" The Recovery Library gave me 24/7 assistance since I could be up at 3am and search for the topic I was dealing with. It likewise assisted as a couple due to the fact that we could examine subjects together so it wasn't subjective. I trusted this info since it was from experts who also had endured and recuperated from extramarital relations. Double reliability in my book.".
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is an survivor and is one of numerous contributors to Affair Healing's Survivors' Blog site,. He participated in Affair Healing's courses established by creator and adultery professional Rick Reynolds, LCSW. After discovering recovery, hope, and brand-new life, wishes to share his journey and what needs to provide with others so they too can find hope and healing.

How the Unfaithful Sabotages Healing After an Affair: Shutting Down

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About the Author: Renee Love


  1. I think I have finally been pushed away, to far. We are in house separation, and we spend less and less time talking or in the same room. Yes I am still watching and sharing your videos in my Facebook group. Why you ask, because I need to heal myself, so I can live a full life.

    1. I’m proud of you for healing yourself and working on you. That’s vital and unless you work on you, no one else will. I’m sorry for how much pain and hurt you’re in, but proud of you for not giving up on you.

  2. We’re months past the flooding and 4 hour struggle sessions. Your videos helped me so much as the betrayed to communicate much better, and we did talk for awhile, even though he hates it. It still doesn’t happen unless I initiate. Promises of recovery work all fell to the wayside. His way of walling up is to w/hold I love you’s, and he likes to take off for hours longer than he said or would normally do. Does not want to check in w/a call or text, then I’m the bad guy when I confront him. I’m depressed, so my confrontations are quietly talking about it. W/in the same week 7 hrs later, and I’m thinking there had to be an accident this time.

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