This one-day event filled with hope, useful strategies, and resources will be on Saturday, September 30. Tickets and more details are available here:
After experiencing betrayal, Rusty felt absolutely ravaged and squashed. He thought that his life was over and nothing that he knew to be true seemed real. A buddy that had remained in his exact same shoes a couple of years prior to pointed him to Leslie Hardie and Affair Healing. Through this hard season, he started to see that there was light at the end of the tunnel. Using the tools that he discovered in the Harboring Hope class, he was able to overcome the procedure of forgiveness. Not wishing to end up being a bitter old guy, he started a journey of Grieving, Forgiveness and Releasing, which are specific lessons in Harboring Hope. There is liberty in forgiveness, and Rusty will share his journey to that flexibility and provide encouragement that you can find that very same freedom through the procedure of forgiveness.
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