The Best Money Advice No One Ever Told You | Jimmy Evans

Concerned about cash? Here is a few of the very best cash suggestions no one ever told you. 22% of all divorces are filed over money issues, and has simply what you need to safeguard versus that.

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XO exists to help couples have a healthy and strong . We do this by hosting conferences, developing resources, and using encouraging digital material. Our first-rate speakers offer leading marriage advice to gear up couples with the required tools for a successful marital relationship. Our company believe that every marital relationship can grow.

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XO Conferences are a live environment for couples to come together, be motivated, and learn from leading marital relationship professionals. Conferences provide a Scriptural point of view on marriage and permit couples to connect and grow in a fun and encouraging setting
XO Publishing, founded in 2019, exists to produce marriage books and resources for couples in every phase of their relationship. Our large library of material provides a more extensive knowing experience for couples, small groups, and churches
Through podcasts, videos, article, and more, we develop engaging and appropriate content for individuals to get in touch with online. Our material is focused around providing couples with tools and mentors to develop and keep a strong structure for their marital relationship.

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About the Author: Renee Love


  1. We’re always provided for but it is not easy.. we always tithe and give above and to the ministries we’re fed to and where God tells us. We still don’t have a house. We still don’t have reliable paid off vehicles. No savings. 4 kids in private school (scholarship pays) doing what God wants us to. We still give and sometimes go without because of it. Kinda getting frustrated.. years! still not an abundance. We’re both givers.. even giving $100s to people who just had a baby, $500 to a church b/c God told us to and so on. Even driving 45 mins to drop off someone’s kids because their car broke down for weeks…why are we still struggling. Why! Shouldn’t we have an abundance like Abraham?!

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