Thanksgiving 2022! Cook with me and taste this vegan Mac and Cheese

It's ! Prepare with me as I made mac and cheese, candied yams, and sausage dressing. Did my sis redeem herself with the vegan mac? Simply look and see. I declined to taste it this year. I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving with your friends and family.

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# #cookwithme #thanksgivingvlog.

Thanksgiving 2022! and taste this

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About the Author: Renee Love


  1. Y’all are the cutest sisters ever I love it laughing my butt off very hilarious, your mom is so cute and funny… awwwwww she’s trying her aunties macaroni and cheese lol

  2. I was cracking up about the girls nice ‘Summer’ dresses and how much you and Sis had your mom on the edge. She had had enough. This was a really nice Vlog.

  3. I love it when you & Ashley cook at thanksgiving. Your mums face behind sis was so funny, when you said it looked like mashed potato as it was so thick at the beginning. Siblings together like this is what it’s all about, love each and love to tesse each other.

  4. I love listening to your sister talk. Her commitment to that vegan mac and cheese and your responses had me rolling.

  5. All the food looked delicious ,I wish I was at your house for thanksgiving and your parents are too funny and cute ❤

  6. Ashley – Y’all I did it!
    Jia – Did you?

    This took me out!!! Jia you cracked me up on this one. I gotta rewind it.

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