It's still 25 days of decluttering and today we are operating in the cooking area. I had the ability to declutter and arrange a scrap drawer. We did a little tidy with me too to ideally give you a little cleansing inspiration. What did you declutter today?
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Hi! INVITE! Thanks for coming by! My name is Jia. Spouse's name is Charles. Our little ones are Zara (10) and Ava (8 ). If you need inspiration on decluttering, cleaning, arranging and just getting it done, you are in the right location. This is Reality. Genuine messes. Genuine minutes. And Real love. Did I mention, I like to go shopping. So lots of Shop with me's, Costco hauls, and a lot more. Of course on a budget plan, because we live a financial obligation free life. If you require help with that, we discuss that too! As a working mother, I share what works for us. I want to influence, motivate, and learn. Join me on this journey!
* Some links may consist of affiliates. All opinions are constantly my own.
#declutter #vlogmas #declutterwithme.
I’m loving these videos, thank you. This was a great idea.
I can’t believe how much u r getting out. This is such a good idea. I might try it!
Ava’s getting so big and mature!
I suggest telling us how long each project took you in real life since the videos are short. It would be interesting to know a 6 mins video took you 35 mins (or whatever) to complete
Great job! This is motivating. And yes I love your commentary more than the music 🙂
I was thinking that adding a lining to your cabinets and drawers could help with future messes.
That first note said “pretzels and chips”. So adorable. My kids are grown and the one thing I always keep are the notes to us from our kids. ❤
I loved the voice over! Such a more interesting video to watch! Hooray!
Go Jia Go, your daughter is so cutttteeee and a helper too. Reading, Becoming Brooke’s comment had a good laugh!!! Your hubby is very New York, like me. I went yesterday with Keith for a flex card under SS anyway, we didn’t get one bc New Mexico isn’t doing that. I guess starve instead!! Anyway the Lady helping us out asked me, you have an accent are you from Brooklyn!! I cracked up, No born in Queens and raised on Long Island. She is from Brooklyn. New York is in the house!!! Joan ❤❤❤
Jia I had a blender that was broken. Instead of me throwing it away I kept it. My friend made fun of me. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.
Great job Jia!!!!
Been looking for your videos the last couple of days, missed you. Glad to see you back.
If the cupboard with the wine if it gets warm from the oven it may spoil your wine. I had the same type of situation and the wine was getting warm. It spoiled.
Idk why those chick fil A packets bust open in drawers but they do! I’ve had it happen a couple of times.
you are one of the most REAL PEOPLE I know…keep doing what your doing…love watching you & have been