When You And Your Spouse Have Opposing Beliefs In Marriage

What do you do when you and your partner have different beliefs? Maybe your partner was various when you first married and now their beliefs have actually slowly altered with time. Or perhaps you and your partner have constantly had opposing beliefs, and now you're attempting to figure how out to accept disagree.

Or, you may discover yourself in complete argument with one another to where you can't even work in the exact same space together, and now you're questioning if your will even survive.

In today's video, Dr. Joe Beam breaks down some interested facts about how to overcome opposing beliefs, in addition to shedding insight to the popular idea that you may have wed the incorrect individual if they believe something different than you.

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About the Author: Renee Love


  1. I love and lived this issue. Thank you both for your amazing insights and this discussion. It was a light upon my relationship. I met my husband at 18 years old. We married and I thought we had the most wonderful marriage. Unfortunately we are now separated; after 40 years together. It has been extremely sad and confusing to myself and I am having Faith that he will think longer and harder on his decision to leave our union. Oct 30, 2019 was when he left – I do have many many beautiful memories. Please – if you read this; just remember how precious marriage is. Thanks for helping me understand a bit more !!!!

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