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About the Author: Renee Love


  1. “Clean up your side of the street” is a great theory but you have to know exactly what to work on and have the support to actually work on it. The threat of divorce create emotional turmoil and withdrawal.

  2. I tried to do that. Work on myself, not push, but it didn’t work because of something not mentioned in this video.

    When my wife asked for separation with the goal of divorce (Feb 2022), she said I was the problem. She said I was emotionally abusive. After she moved out (Mar 2022) I discovered the emotional affair she was having, and I believe she was (and still is) in limerence. It was a long distance affair (he was west coast, we are east coast). I tried to wait it out as long as possible hoping the relationship would end, but my wife was full throttle to end the marriage as quickly as possible. In December of 2022 he moved from Oregon to PA to be with her. And on January 27, 2023 my marriage of 27 years was legally over.

  3. Too bad even my husband can’t say anything I did to create this situation. Even while we were separated he kept telling me I was “perfect” I don’t know how to clean up my side of the street when even in his eyes there was nothing I could have done better. Right now there is due to the emotional turmoil of the continued infidelity and I’m working on that but how do I prevent it from continuing or happening again!?

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