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About the Author: Renee Love


  1. I bought every book and course from TMF, and I can say from the soul that we are witnessing a living Saint! I’m also certain we can get his courses in schools. Eventually, I can help with getting them into colleges. This education turns sorrow into euphoria. The ways it turns lives around goes beyond the sacred space of marriage; it emanates throughout eternity. I cannot express enough gratitude!.

  2. I’m going to disagree, this is not an advertisement for his courses because I’m actively involved, this is just a snippet of the intelligence common sense and the reality of that we don’t have a clue how to go about an deal with marriage, not a clue. And if you’re takingI’m going to disagree, this is not an advertisement for his courses because I’m actively involved, this is just a snippet of the intelligence common sense and the reality of that we don’t have a clue how to go about an deal with marriage, not a clue. And if you’re Being offended by someone telling the truth then I submit to you that you have deeper problems and you are not willing to address that you don’t know. I’m willing to accept that I don’t have a clue but I’m learning and I will master this with the help of this man.

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